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Sep. 5 - 6 2024

MEKTORY, Raja 15, Tallinn, Estonia

Code of conduct

All attendees, speakers, sponsors, organizers and volunteers at our conference are required to agree with the following code of conduct. Organisers will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.

The Quick Version

Our conference is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organisers.

The Less Quick Version

Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, technology choices, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

Sponsors are also subject to the anti-harassment policy. In particular, sponsors should not use sexualised images, activities, or other material. Booth staff (including volunteers) should not use sexualised clothing/uniforms/costumes, or otherwise create a sexualised environment.

If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the conference organisers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the conference with no refund.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of conference staff immediately. Conference staff can be identified as they'll be wearing branded clothing and/or badges.

Conference staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the conference. We value your attendance.

We expect participants to follow these rules at conference and workshop venues and conference-related social events.


Our code of conduct is inspired by which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

PyCon Estonia Recording Release

By participating in PyCon Estonia 2024, you understand that portions of the event will be photographed and/or audio/video-recorded for use by PyCon Estonia, Python Estonia, or news media. You agree that PyCon Estonia, Python Estonia, and news media, have the right and permission to use and publish such media for any purpose in any format, online and/or offline, now and hereafter without further compensation, permission, or notification. You agree that all official recordings from the event are the exclusive property of Python Estonia and you do not ask for nor expect compensation or notification of the use of official recordings or photographs in which you appear or speak.

Python in ML & AI

PyCon Estonia 2024 will be a two-day event, attracting more than 500 CTOs, developers, tech leads, and investors. Scheduled on the 5th and 6th of September 2024 in Tallinn, this conference, one of the largest Python gatherings in the Nordics, will delve into various topics important for Pythonistas. A key focus will be on the discussion around technological singularity and the role of Python in the swift advancement of AI and Machine Learning. This sixth annual event will be a hub for learning and networking, with a spotlight on PyData, underscoring Python’s indispensable contribution to data management, analysis, and visualization in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.


Raymond Hettinger Keynote
Raymond is a person who thinks that programming enriches the mind. It is a never-ending journey of learning, creation, and reflection. He has been one of the more prolific Python core developers for almost two decades. People know him for the collections module, itertools module, set objects, many other parts of Python, and the lru_cache(). The Python Software Foundation honoured his achievements with their highest Distinguished Service Award. He is the chief trainer at a company that offers expert training, consulting, code reviews, architectural help, and support. He is also a certified public accountant, aspiring piano player, and former pilot.
Marlene Mhangami Keynote
Marlene is a software engineer, explorer, and speaker currently based in London. She is a Senior Developer Advocate working at Microsoft, focusing on Python and AI. Marlene is a previous director and vice-chair for the Python Software Foundation and currently serves as the vice-chair of the Association for Computing Machinery practitioner board. In 2017, she co-founded ZimboPy, a non-profit organization that gives young Zimbabwean women access to resources in the field of technology. She is also the previous chair of PyCon Africa and advocates for women in tech on the continent.
Ibad Rehman Keynote
This keynote talk by Patchstack's Ibad Rehman will focus on detecting vulnerabilities and comparing Static Code Analyzers (SCAs) with Large Language Models (LLMs). It will begin with a brief introduction to SCAs, explaining what they are and how they work. The discussion will then explore the paper "Can Large Language Models Find And Fix Vulnerable Software?" to motivate the idea of replacing SCAs with LLMs and evaluate their effectiveness. The talk will highlight why modern LLMs, such as GPT-4, are superior at detecting vulnerabilities. After establishing the superiority of GPT-4, the presentation will demonstrate whether similar results can be achieved by fine-tuning a smaller LLM and hosting it locally, aiming to reduce inference costs significantly while ensuring data privacy.
Fabien Vauchelles
Live-Coding: Mastering Python Web Scraping with Scrapoxy
Fabien's talk will be about unlocking the full potential of Web Scraping through an incredible live-coding masterclass. From novice to virtuoso, you'll learn advanced legal techniques for collecting crucial datasets to train AI models. Highlights include overcoming fingerprint challenges and anti-bot measures, understanding tracking signals through reverse engineering, and discovering Scrapoxy, a free and open-source proxies aggregator tailored for Web Scraping. Additionally, you'll become an expert in browser farms using Playwright. This live session will immerse you in the secret world of data, offering a unique opportunity to master these essential skills.
Cristina Ferrer Teixidor & Dag
Writing Better Code with Python Type Annotations
Cristina's and Dag's talk will cover type annotations in Python to improve code readability and catch bugs early, exploring both basic and advanced annotations such as generics, type narrowing, subtyping, overloads, and type aliases, along with new features in Python 3.12. Using practical examples from popular libraries, the session is designed for Python developers looking to enhance code quality and maintainability. Attendees will learn the benefits of type annotations and static type checkers, how to use advanced typing features, annotate args and kwargs, and how to make code more self-documenting and bug-resistant. By the end, you'll know how to write cleaner, more maintainable Python code with type annotations.
Stefanie Molin
Data Morph: A Cautionary Tale of Summary Statistics
Stefanie's talk will cover the challenges humans face with understanding statistics and their tendency to simplify complex data using basic summary statistics like the mean, median, and standard deviation, exploring why these summaries are insufficient for visualizing data distributions. We will discuss the Data Morph open-source package, which uses simulated annealing to transform datasets into various shapes while preserving key statistics, delving into its mechanics, development challenges, and limitations. Attendees will learn how Data Morph works, its role in illustrating the limitations of summary statistics, and how it enhances data analysis, ultimately gaining a greater appreciation for the importance of data visualization beyond simple statistics.
Christophe Bornet
Building Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) applications with LangChain
Christophe's talk will delve into Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), which enhances Large Language Models (LLMs) by providing relevant context to prompts for improved accuracy and contextuality. We'll explore LangChain, an open-source framework essential for building RAG applications, allowing LLMs to connect seamlessly to various context sources like prompt instructions and additional content. LangChain, with over 80k GitHub stars, has rapidly become a leading Generative AI framework. We will discuss its architecture and components, such as chunking, embedding computation and storage, and vector search, and conclude with a live demo of an RAG application built with LangChain.
Rakhim Davletkaliyev
Quantum Computing Is Kind of Real, and Python is in its DNA
Rakhim's talk will explore the exciting advancements in quantum computing, focusing on the crucial role of Python in both hardware and software development. We'll cover the basics of quantum physics, debunk common myths, and delve into superconducting quantum computing. We'll discuss the theoretical and practical aspects of quantum algorithms, the unique challenges of building a quantum computer, and Python's vital place in this evolving field, potentially including a live demo.
Utkarsh Sinha
Revolutionizing Financial Data Analysis with AI: From Challenges to Cutting-Edge Solutions
This talk explores a groundbreaking AI approach to interpreting financial charts and responding to user queries in natural language, revolutionizing data analysis in the Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) sector. The advanced AI system excels in interpreting visual data using machine learning and computer vision techniques. With sophisticated Natural Language Processing (NLP), the system enables intuitive user interactions with financial data. The presentation will demonstrate real-world applications, showing how businesses and analysts use this technology to make informed decisions and enhance efficiency. Join us to see how this AI transforms financial data analysis, making it more intuitive and accessible.
Paweł Zajączkowski
Leader in the Land of Dilemmas
Paweł's talk is about the daily struggles leaders face with unclear choices, such as balancing care for people versus customers, treating everyone equally versus according to needs, making quick decisions versus fostering democracy, and maintaining both transparency and high morale. It explores handling toxic high-performers, navigating complex personalities and changing environments, and balancing time, money, and emotions while maintaining internal consistency. Despite often feeling alone, leaders can tackle these dilemmas together on this journey.
Meelik Kiik
Distributing ML via Python & Phoenix Live View
Meelik's talk will cover Python for Machine Learning, focusing on how GlobalReader uses ML and the limitations of distributing ML tasks in Python or Elixir. It will explore Erlang's contributions to distributed systems, particularly BEAM (Bogdan's Erlang Abstract Machine), and the benefits of Erlang's principles for ML workloads. Meelik will discuss integrating Python-based ML solutions into BEAM, detailing tools like ErlPort, poolboy, and Horde. The talk will include practical applications, examples of ML systems in action, and future directions for development and research.
Pavel Kral Workshop
Creating RAG in Python
In this workshop, participants will engage hands-on in creating a basic RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) tool using Python, leveraging the OpenAI API for embeddings and integration with GPT. The session covers fundamental topics including tokenization, emphasizing their significance in text processing. Participants will delve into the mechanics of embeddings in machine learning and explore effective techniques for document search and content generation. Additionally, the workshop will explore nuances in LLM (Large Language Models) behavior across languages, as extensively detailed in a corresponding GitHub project.
Kushal Das Workshop
Writing Python modules in Rust
This workshop introduces Python programmers to creating efficient Python extensions in Rust. Participants will start with a basic git repository and progress through different branches to learn essential features. Topics include argument handling, exception management, Python data structure integration, class implementation, utilizing Rust dependencies, and adding real-world functionalities like system statistics retrieval. By the end, attendees will be equipped to build, test, and release robust Python extensions, even if they have no prior experience with Rust.
Marcin Szymaniuk Workshop
This workshop by Marcin Szymaniuk will explore the frontiers of LLMs and LangChain, providing a comprehensive introduction to the diverse world of LLMs and helping you identify the perfect fit for your development needs. Dive into the LangChain framework and engage in hands-on exercises to manipulate Chains and Agents, master context management, integrate external APIs, and develop dynamic reasoning agents. Ideal for individuals with a Python programming background, this intensive workshop will equip you with the skills to build ChatGPT-powered applications, enhance existing solutions, and innovate new ones. Join us to transform your curiosity into expertise and step confidently into the future of application development.
Neeraj Pandey Workshop
Generative Art and Music with Python: A Creative Journey
This workshop explores the fusion of art, music, and technology. You'll learn how algorithms create aesthetic art forms and how motion and structures emit sounds using essential toolkits like Python, Processing, and PyCairo. We'll trace the evolution of generative art and music, showing how mathematical algorithms autonomously create these forms and examine how AI's generative design reshapes art and design. Through hands-on activities, you'll create artwork inspired by genetic algorithms and audio-reactive visuals. Whether you're a programmer interested in art, an artist curious about Python, or fascinated by the intersection of technology and creativity, this session is for you. Let's explore where code meets creativity.
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Frequently asked questions

What is PyCon Estonia?

PyCon Estonia is a conference dedicated to the Python programming language. It brings together Python enthusiasts, developers, engineers, and experts from Estonia and around the world for talks, workshops, and networking opportunities.

Who should attend the conference?

Whether you're a Python novice, seasoned developer, or AI/data enthusiast, PyCon Estonia welcomes you to learn, network, and collaborate.

Can I become a volunteer?

Absolutely! Drop us a line at if you're keen to lend a hand with registration, setup, or tech support.

Are there sponsorship opportunities available?

Yes! Reach out to us at to explore sponsorship options.

Can I get a refund if I am unable to attend the conference after purchasing a ticket?

You can get a refund before the conference starts. If you can't make it after, your ticket is good for next year's event if you let us know in advance.

I bought a ticket but didn't get a confirmation. What should I do?

Check your spam or junk folder first. If it's not there, contact our ticket provider directly at

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+372 5628 0032